Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Recent Cakes

So here are just some quick photos from some cakes I thought were worthwhile from work. Since my phone has a decent camera and since I always forget to bring in my real camera these will have to do.

This one is just a simple cake my mom loved =)

The sweetest looking little snowmen from the past christmas season.

This was for 50th birthday party! The photocake machine wasn;t working too well that day so instead I free handed this lovely lady and iced from the picture!

A lady came into the store wanting this for a friend. For her daughter she got a Las Vegas cake for her 21st and both came out stellar! I do love when they come in because they always want to do the funnest stuff and bring me in the cutest stuff to work with =)

One of the many cakes I did for the playoffs/super bowl. Shame we lost =(

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